Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lower Your Electric Bill in 31 Days

December will be dedicated to lowering our dependence on the public electrical grid. Every day, I will be posting a different way to reduce your dependence on electricity and to lower your bill. So, go get your electric bill and look to see how many kwh you used last December. If it isn't listed, call your electric company and ask. This will be your starting point (assuming you haven't moved or increased your base load since last year).

Sign up for my newsletter with your email. No, I don't publish frequently and won't clog your email with offers! You can unsubscribe at any time. Just register your email address ans select the mailing list you want. At the end of December I will choose a winner from the new sign-ups! The prize has not been determined yet. I'm still scouting donors. If you have a relevant electricity/earth saving product and would like some free exposure, contact me at iNails at I would be happy to promote your item/website as a service to help readers.

We may end up with several prizes! Wouldn't that be fun?

While you are here leave a comment on the posts and let us know what you are doing to save.

So, help yourself and help the planet. Sign up for my newsletter and qualify to win prizes in December.

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