Monday, June 22, 2009

Home Inventory Made Easy

I don't know about you but I've never really done a home inventory. This may surprise you since I've had damage from a hurricane, a fire, and a burst water pipe. Each time the damage was not fully covered because I either didn't have the proper coverage or didn't have my belongings documented properly. Uhg...

I'm hoping that there won't be a next time. If there is, I'll be better prepared.

Several months ago I picked up a digital recorder at a thrift shop. the plan is to go room by room and do a sweep of the room. Recording what's in the room and then doing close-ups on important items. In each room, I'll have to open drawers, closets, and cubbies to expose hidden treasures.

Burning a copy to disk and storing it off site or uploading it to a remote storage site could help me back up any future claims. I'm also marking my calendar to update it twice a year.

The digital recorder can also help validate the shape things are in.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Feeling Frazzled

In my zeal to get more done I've crammed more into a day than Fibber McGee squashed in a closet. I know we all do it.

In an effort to get more done and get more bang for my effort, I'm making an attempt to get an extra hour of sleep a night. There is increasing evidence that getting more sleep can ward off disease, slim our waists, and improve our memory. I could use all three.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some Things Have to be the Original

Sometimes a copy just isn't good enough. Thus is the case with Coca Cola. my Hubs loves to have a Coke with his lunch and dinner.

The rest of the time he will drink a generic copy.

So, the way I get the most bang for my buck is to collect the Coke rewards points than to trade them into the site for discounts on future purchases of Coke products. they offer nifty coupons with cents off a purchase of individual drinks or 12 packs. I then wait for the 12 packs to go on sale and stock up.

I even try to get others to save the codes from boxes and from under the caps of the sodas.

Yep, we stack em high in the laundry room and ration them out 2 per day. So, some things are worth every penny we spend but that doesn't mean we want to spend more than we have to.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Repurposing a Friend's Tea Jug

While visiting a friend I saw some sturdy looking jugs in which tea is sold. I had an idea.

Those jugs would be the perfect solution to the pool cover blowing off during the winter. I had tried plastic milk jugs but the flimsy plastic didn't make it through an entire winter.

This time it was different. I filled the jugs with collected rainwater and secured them to the pool cover's grommets with a length of rope and a caribiner. Shazam! It worked like a charm. The pool cover didn't budge all winter. And the jugs look good as new.

Over the summer I'll continue to use them to store rainwater for the plants for easy watering. Next winter, I'll string them up again--again and again until they have used up their useful life. then, I guess I'll have to figure out what to do with them. They are recyclable if I can't find another suitable use.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Old T Shirts are Great for Drying Curly Hair

That old concert may have seen better days but before you send it to the rag bin, try another repurposed use. Cut a large rectangle from the shirt. Okay, you put the scraps in the rag bin now.

When you go to dry your curly hair use it as a towel. Gentle pat the moisture from your locks or wrap your head in a turbin style while you apply your makeup. The thirsty towel will help it dry without disturbing the curl pattern.

I even pack one when I travel.

They don't need to be washed often and can easily be thrown in with towels and hung on the line when they do.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Get in Shape With Exercise Equipment

Home Fitness Equipment
What Exercise Equipment Will You Choose?
Today, people are getting more concerned about their physical health. Because of the increasing numbers of cases of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, you have the right to be concerned about your physical well-being. This is why many people are now enrolling in gyms and are now starting working out to get and maintain a healthy body. But all of this has a price tag. And will that gym destination even fit into your lifestyle? Ouch, and there is your pocketbook to consider.

By working those muscles (with your Doc's approval of course), you will not only build a healthier body and healthier heart. You can't deny the fact that a good looking, muscular body exudes more sex appeal. That extra flab isn't doing you any good. Hmmmmm, guess I ought to look in the mirror. Want more self-confidence and self-esteem? Exercise can do just that.

If you find working out in the gym boring or...expensive. Yikes! Have you seen what a membership costs?

You can still workout even if you don’t go to the gym. There is fitness equipment that you can purchase and use right at the comforts of your own home. These home fitness equipment can work wonders for you.

Parents, do you need to keep a constant eye your kiddos? You should consider getting home fitness equipment. You will also enjoy your workouts because you can watch your favorite TV shows while you workout. I've placed my own treadmill in front of the TV. I can't say it gets me to run more often, since I prefer the great outdoors, but it does combat boredom.

You can also consider getting weights or other types of equipment. Keep an eye out for sales if you have your heart set on a particular item. You could also put the word out to friends and family to let them know you are looking for equipment. It just might be that someone your brother knows is just itching to get a treadmill out of his way. There is also or for good used stuff. The point is to save money. With the right home fitness equipment, you will be able to get a high quality workout and get that great looking body you have always wanted (if you do use it) without putting too much of a dent in your wallet.

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Make Stew With Leftovers

Looking for something quick to make for dinner? What could be faster than throwing some leftover ingredients in the slow cooker before work?

Combine leftover veggies, some broth or water, and some rice (noodles, or potatoes will do too) and put the cover on.

You'll come up with your own delicious recipes. Make a list of what you put in and if it's absolutely fabulous...well, you can recreate it in the future.

It's easy and it's hard to go wrong with veggies.

So, what's for dinner tonight?

By enlisting this practice, I avoid letting food go to waste. This saves money and time. By using my slow cooker I reduce my electrical use. It's also easy to portion out enough for tomorrow's lunch.

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Friday, April 3, 2009

The Change in the Bottom of Your Purse

Got change? No, not the impetus to effect a different circumstance--at least, not directly. Change: you know, the stuff weighing down your purse that you never dig out. Well, sit down and dump everything out of your purse. Yep, it's scary in there. Go ahead and clean it out. File the receipts, ditch the gross stick of gum, which lost part of it's wrapper. The expired coupons can go into the trash.

Okay, now you're getting there. The coinage in the recesses can add up. I added up the jingly and it totalled $5.78. That's a premium coffee drink, a magazine, or a lip balm. Wait, if I save it, it may be the difference between comfort and scraping by in retirement.

I haven't decided what to do with my new found money. I'll probably settle for something in between. A treat now and then gives me the courage to stick with a plan.

What will you do with yours?

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Lunch Bunch With Wings

For some time now, I have been an avid participant in the program. For those of you who are new to my blog, Angel Food is a co-op that offers grocery savings. So, we sign up the month before pick-up. For $30 we get enough food to feed a family of four for a week. Wow, have I been impressed.

So, now we are making it fun. This month the group is meeting for lunch before Angel Food pickup. We're going to hit my favorite Mexican joint.

We're saving a ton of money and spending a wee bit of it to get together and enjoy each other for a a time.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day

Ah, another April Fools Day has almost come and gone.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Too Many Seeds in a Packet?

I picked up several packets of seeds this week. Out of curiosity I counted the seeds in the packs. Just as I suspected, there were many more seeds than I would use in a single growing season, so it occurred to me that a great practice would be to trade 1/2 packs with other gardeners.

My brother-in-law does a bit of gardening, perhaps I'll trade with him.

The other idea I had is to start extra plants and give them away to encourage gardening. With all the uproar over the economy, a little victory garden may just be what we each need to pick up the wallet slack.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Repurpose Before Recycling

I love magazines. Well, I should, I make a living writing for them.

You know that I love to save money. And I'm a friend to the environment too.

Naturally, I pop my old magazines into the recycling bin when I'm done with them. But could there be more? I'm suggesting that we send them on to families who cannot afford to buy them. When we buy a magazine, we barely cover the costs of production. Getting the print out there facilitates advertisers. Passing on a magazine to someone who would not ordinarily get it may increase the reach of advertisers and increase the market. Who knows, when income increases, they may become a subscriber?

Perhaps send them to a local girl scout troop to use in craft projects such as story boards.

Use them to line the birdcage and then throw them in the composter (for use on lawn, not veggies).

My grandma made me a string of beads from magazine pages that were rolled on toothpicks and sealed with a glue like mixture. She even made me a string from surplus wedding announcements. Really cool. Huh?

The point is that repurposing trumps recycling in the big order of things. I'm trying to do my part.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Woot! We are Still Reducing Electrical Usage

In the month of December we set out to reduce our consumption of electricity, and WOW did we ever. Still looking for new ways to save, we are continuing to save even more. Last month we got our usage down to 476 kwh.

It's the little things that add up. Unplugging when not in use turned out to be one of my biggest electricity sins. Our TV uses a ton of electricity even when off. Phantom drain is real.

I was planning in January to undertake water usage. unfortunately there have been many challenges in our neighborhood with the water. Seems road construction has lead to numerous water main breaks and thus, much flushing of the lines. Our water usage is through the roof! Yikes! We have had brown, dirty water. I'm not usually a fan of bottled water but have consumed more in the past three months than is environmentally friendly.

So, construction is slated to be over soon and I'll tackle water usage.

Until then, I'll be tackling smaller ways to save money.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

My Monday Staycation

It's Monday again. I woke up exhausted and dreaming of a vacation. Just a mini would do. So, I headed out for a professional meeting and raced back to the office afterward--to look for vacation ideas on the internet.

I don't know where the word came from or who coined it. Staycation. I've laughed at the word. What kind of word is that? But, it applied here. I still can't believe I'm using it. I'm sure I'll get plenty of ribbing about it tomorrow.

I took my first "staycation." Two hours in a restaurant with my favorite sparkling water and a yummy appetizer. I enjoyed it. There was no racing through dinner. For less than $20 I was able to mentally get away for a while. $20 was a true value on a day like today. It satisfied the need without a trip away.

Maybe vacationing is more about being fully present and enjoying where you may be.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Crazy Way to Save on Heating Bills

I have found the most inconvenient and disruptive way to save money on heating bills. No heat at all. Ugh...

For the past few months we have had issues with the city water supply due to a roadway drainage improvement project. We heat with a boiler system. No water means no heat. Add to that, the system and plumbing was damaged considerably by debris that was allowed into the line. So, off and on, we have had no heat.

Aside from being an inconvenience, we have not been able to implement our planned heating bill reduction strategies. The new timeline will be February 1st. Plan to spend the month with us and examine sensible ways to lower your heating bills--without freezing.

So, cross your fingers, the repairs will be done soon and I can make up with the city over this incident. On with improvement!

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