Friday, April 3, 2009

The Change in the Bottom of Your Purse

Got change? No, not the impetus to effect a different circumstance--at least, not directly. Change: you know, the stuff weighing down your purse that you never dig out. Well, sit down and dump everything out of your purse. Yep, it's scary in there. Go ahead and clean it out. File the receipts, ditch the gross stick of gum, which lost part of it's wrapper. The expired coupons can go into the trash.

Okay, now you're getting there. The coinage in the recesses can add up. I added up the jingly and it totalled $5.78. That's a premium coffee drink, a magazine, or a lip balm. Wait, if I save it, it may be the difference between comfort and scraping by in retirement.

I haven't decided what to do with my new found money. I'll probably settle for something in between. A treat now and then gives me the courage to stick with a plan.

What will you do with yours?

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