Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 26 Save the Electricity

Okay, I know it is splitting hairs for some of you, but I have decided it is worth the effort for me to power down monitors overnight and on weekends. After tracking the usage with a meter, I have decided to adopt the habit. The laptop hard drive basically turns off automatically. The Desktop was a power hog--but NO more.

Don't forget to register for the monthly newsletter. The button is to the right. At the end of December I am giving away a Kill-A-Watt meter and 2 microwave pizza trays. More goodies to come. All you have to do is register for the newsletter during the month of December to be eligible for the fishbowl style drawing.

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1 comment:

meldennis said...

For every degree you lower your home's temperature during the heating season, subtract 5% from your bill, according to the Alliance to Save Energy.

An Energy Star programmable thermostat ($70 at saves more than twice its price within a year and will adjust the temperature automatically for you when you're away or asleep.