Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 9 Erin's Elecricity Challenge

This one probably goes without saying...except we don't actually DO it.

You guessed it! Turning the lights out when we leave the room. When prompted, I always respond with something like, "I was going right back in there." The truth is I get pretty sidetracked, hence the kitchen times clipped to my collar. Ha ha ha.

Repeat after me: "I do pledge to make an effort to turn out the lights in the room as I leave. I agree to thank the person who reminds me and not to make up an excuse. I also agree to use daylight if overhead lighting is not needed."

It doesn't seem like much, but in my house, it's huge. People can always tell when I'm home because the house id lit up like a Christmas tree. I go to one room for something and then flit off for something else. Before I know it there are lights on in every room! And don't even think about what happens if I need to run to do a quick errand. Oh my. This could save me a tone of money.

Don’t forget that we are giving away prizes at the end of December. To be eligible simply register for our monthly newsletter on the right. We don’t spam and we NEVER share your email address. One of our lovely prizes is a Kill-A-Watt meter to help identify what gadgets really draw in current. Pass it along. More prizes coming.I will also be sending out tweets that go along with the challenge www.twitter.com/BeautyWriter saving electricity is truly a beautiful thing.

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