Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 3 Electricity Challenge

I don't know about you but in our family, we run the exhaust fan in the bathroom, especially during and after showers. The trouble is it runs and runs and runs...

Running the exhaust also sucks the heat out of the house, as well as using more electricity than needed.

So, from now on we are going to make an effort to turn on the exhaust only when needed and turn it off promptly when done. I'm sure it will be an adjustment. And there are times we will forget.

Running it less could make a significant reduction in our heating oil use? Who knows? We will just have to see.

Maybe January should be dedicated to reducing heating costs. Could we really find 31 things?

I was thinking about a timer for the exhaust but think it would make me lazy. My goal is to be aware, not to let go of awareness.

Don’t forget that we are giving away prizes at the end of December. To be eligible simply register for our monthly newsletter on the right. We don’t spam and we NEVER share your email address. One of our lovely prizes is a Kill-A-Watt meter to help identify what gadgets really draw in current. Pass it along. More prizes coming.I will also be sending out tweets that go along with the challenge saving electricity is truly a beautiful thing.

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