Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 5 Drastically Reducing My Electric Bill

Today I'm trying to incorporate a new habit. Opening the blinds in the morning to let in the sun. You see, it's winter and we need the warmth. In the summer, I will have to adjust which blinds are open and when for the AC to work effectively.

The sun streaming in from the east is fairly strong. Within several hours the rooms facing east are warmed. This allows me to cut back the heat even more. Sunlight is quite flattering and is free. I'll get in the habit of reading by the window instead of turning on another light.

Just before the sun goes down, I'll close them to prevent the heat from slipping out. I'm toying with the idea of an insulating insert behind the blinds. Because of allergies, we don't have curtains. I'll also look into more energy efficient, insulating blinds as the need arises to replace the ones we have.

Don’t forget that we are giving away prizes at the end of December. To be eligible simply register for our monthly newsletter on the right. We don’t spam and we NEVER share your email address. One of our lovely prizes is a Kill-A-Watt meter to help identify what gadgets really draw in current. Pass it along. More prizes coming.I will also be sending out tweets that go along with the challenge saving electricity is truly a beautiful thing.

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