Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 8 Counting Electrical Savings

This will take some getting used to. I intend to use the microwave more.

The microwave takes less energy than heating up the oven. I went online and purchased some cooking items made just for the microwave.

I'll give microwaving pizza a shot and see if my family diggs it. i can't promise I'll be cooking entire meals in it. After all, I love to cook and it brings me great joy.

It just means I'll be saving the oven for when I can cook several things at once. While I'm at it, I'll set one of my timers (everyone knows how much I love little digital kitchen timers) so that I don't leave it preheating too long.

The moral of the story is to use the appropriate tool for the job. Why heat up a TV dinner in the oven when it can be done in the microwave?

Don’t forget that we are giving away prizes at the end of December. To be eligible simply register for our monthly newsletter on the right. We don’t spam and we NEVER share your email address. One of our lovely prizes is a Kill-A-Watt meter to help identify what gadgets really draw in current. Pass it along. More prizes coming.I will also be sending out tweets that go along with the challenge saving electricity is truly a beautiful thing.

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